In the run up to the event, you will be sent login information for our online pre-event selection process. From here, you will be able to confirm your details, select seminars, shortlist and prioritise suppliers you would like to meet, add any additional information regarding dietary or accessibility requirements and review and submit all of your information.
There is no hard sell at the event. Suppliers in attendance are looking to meet with you to discuss forthcoming projects and requirements, and to listen to the needs of your business. The premise of the event is to form and develop business relationships, and there is no pressure to sign on the dotted line!
Working on selections that you have made online, and those from attending suppliers, we put together individual itineraries following the priorities below:
• Perfect matches; where a delegate and supplier have both requested to meet one another
• Delegate requests; where you have an interest in a particular supplier’s product/service
• Supplier requests; where suppliers have registered an interest in meeting a delegate.
You can also select industry-lead seminars and case study sessions, which will take place over the course of the event. These will also be added to your personalised itinerary.
Your package will include your appointment schedule, stand with electrics, furniture and name board, all meals and refreshments, overnight accommodation, plus detailed information on attending delegates. Your company logo and information will also be included on emails, website and social media marketing for the event.
Working on selections that you have made online, and those from attending delegates, we put together individual itineraries following the priorities below:
The focus of the event is the pre-arranged meeting schedule. With this in mind, any additional marketing material to dress your stand (as detailed in the previous question) and that you wish to give to delegates is at your discretion. You will be provided with electrics to charge any laptops/tablets and will be supplied with an event information pack at registration, detailing delegate contact details and information (with space for making notes).
Once you have your online login, you will be prompted to upload your single A5 page company profile, logo and synopsis, as well as selecting products and services that you provide. This will enable delegates to see some information on your organisation, and select to meet with you closer to the event. This process is all explained to you in more detail closer to the event. You will also need to prepare any event specific marketing that you wish to bring, but other than this, pre-event preparation is minimal.
You will be updated periodically on attending delegates, from the time of confirming your place, right up until the event itself.
It is unlikely that you will not be selected by any delegates, as we work with an active delegate analysis to ensure that participating suppliers cover the products and services of interest to delegates.
The dress code during the day is business attire. For the networking dinner, attendees are expected to wear smart dress or evening wear; but the event is not black tie.