February 2026
Hilton London Canary Wharf
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5 Minutes With… Alex Wilkins, iHASCO

For the first instalment of our health & safety industry executive interview series, we spoke to Alex Wilkins, Head of Training & Development at iHASCO, about his company, industry opportunities, the challenges posed by COVID-19, new technology and why Stranger Things is better than Succession… Tell us about your company, products and services. We are […]

Behavioural Safety tops 2020 health & safety buying trends

Behavioural Safety solutions top the list of services the UK’s leading health & safety professionals are sourcing this year. The findings have been revealed by the Occupational Safety & Health Forum and are based on delegate requirements at the event. Delegates registering to attend were asked which areas they needed to invest in during 2020 and beyond. […]