February 2026
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Employers have big role to play when it comes to tackling NHS backlog

The impact of the continuing Covid pandemic means that health and wellbeing support in 2022 will be hugely influenced by factors outside of the work environment. Brett Hill, distribution director at Towergate Health & Protection makes his predictions for the coming year and explains how employers will play a crucial role…

The impact of missed cancer diagnoses will be seen
With an estimated 50,000 ‘missed’ cancer diagnoses1, health services, businesses and employees will be impacted as previously undetected cases come to the fore. It will be essential for employers to support people with increased screening, treatment and rehabilitation.

State provision will be limited
NHS waiting lists will continue to grow while hospitals battle the backlog of operations and procedures that were cancelled during the pandemic. By the end of the year, NHS waiting lists are likely to exceed 8 million2.

Prevention will prevail 
There will be a rise in employees and their employers looking for support for preventative health and wellbeing solutions. A more holistic approach will be taken. More companies will offer apps to improve education around nutrition and fitness. Help will be made available with smoking cessation and alcohol management, as well as screening services being offered for early diagnosis and treatment.

Enhanced communication will be required 
Communication of benefits will need to ramp up. Employers will need to clearly and effectively communicate the advantages of lifestyle changes and the benefits of regular health screenings. They will have to find new ways to communicate messages to engage with the hybrid workforce of today and tomorrow.

The rise of digital will continue
Health and wellbeing support will be accessed more online. As has been seen with virtual GP services and the emergence of benefits portals and health apps, more companies will adopt this method for more of their benefits.

Health and wellbeing support will be crucial to recruitment
Employee expectations of what an employer should provide have changed as a result of the pandemic, and comprehensive, engaging health and wellbeing programmes will become increasingly important in attracting and retaining talent.

Greater emphasis on diversity and inclusion 
Employee benefits will need to support a culture of diversity and inclusion. Companies will need help in selecting the right benefits programmes to ensure they are inclusive and to help with recruiting and retaining a wide demographic of employees.

Employees will need to increasingly turn to their employers for health and wellbeing support in 2022, due to the limitations of state provision while the country recovers from the impact of Covid. The good news is that comprehensive support is available and that relatively simple options, like cancer screening, are extremely cost effective and can have a hugely positive impact.


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