February 2026
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Sprinkler system maintenance and testing guidance

By The Fire Protection Association

Sprinkler systems are considered to provide a high degree of reliability to safeguard both life and property against the effects of a fire, but to ensure this protection is available when needed it is imperative systems are routinely serviced and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the relevant standards.

Sprinkler systems should be inspected at least once a year and this must be undertaken by a third party so not the system owner, building occupier, system installer or maintenance provider. Accurate testing at the correct intervals demonstrates best practice and offers peace of mind.

The Fire Protection Association is at the forefront of sprinkler expertise, specialising in system inspections, head and pipe testing, and water mist testing. Authors of the LPC Rules for Automatic Sprinklers, we can help you identify when your sprinkler system requires maintenance and testing. Inspections are carried out in our purpose-built laboratory by our qualified and experienced professionals who provide detailed and comprehensive reporting to ensure that your system functions correctly.

For further guidance on sprinkler system maintenance and testing requirements visit: https://www.thefpa.co.uk/news/fire-safety-advice-and-guidance/sprinkler-system-maintenance-and-testing-guidance


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