5th February 2025
Hilton London Canary Wharf
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Wellbeing in the Workplace: Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Stress has become one of the great public health challenges of our time, but it still isn’t being taken as seriously as physical health concerns. April sees the return of Stress Awareness Month, now in its 30th year, to help increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic. According […]

How to support new employees’ holistic health this National Careers Week

By Cheryl McKown, Apprenticeship and Graduate Senior Manager for Bupa Global & UK A tumultuous 24 months has led many people to think carefully about their careers and many are now looking for a change in career or a new role that will be fulfilling and rewarding.  New starters benefit businesses, as they bring fresh perspectives […]

Adopting a Culture of Movement: Supporting Employees to Keep Active and Healthy

As many workplaces have gradually switched to a flexible working scheme, alternating between working in the office and at home, there is no hiding that employees may currently be struggling to receive support for their physical health and keep active.  The NHS suggests that adults should be aiming for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every week. […]

How can happy employees make for more productive workers?

The well-being of employees is crucial. Improper care for staff can impact their performance and can have harmful effects within a company. The Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP) conducted research in 2020 demonstrating that reduced labour activity can occur as a result of high stress. Case studies also showed that workplace wellness programmes can […]

Wellbeing in the Workplace: Time to start counting sheep!

Sleep. It’s something we spend a third of our life doing, but why is it important for workplace wellbeing? As technology has advanced and attention spans have dwindled, combined with the 24/7 “always on” culture in today’s modern society, sleep has never before been pushed so far down the pecking order in terms of importance. […]

The long and short of it: The effects of long Covid in the workplace

If health and safety professionals were in any doubt about it, it’s clear that the long-term effects of COVID-19 will be felt and discussed for many years to come, with many employees still feeling the daily effects, due to what is known as “Long Covid.” A recent Office of National Statistics study indicates that over […]

Fifth of employers not providing ill-health prevention support to staff

One in five employers are missing a trick by not supporting the prevention of ill-health in their staff, according to research undertaken on behalf of GRiD, the industry body for the group risk protection sector. Employers who do provide health and wellbeing support to help prevent employees becoming ill, stated that they find flexible working […]

Mental and Social Health Recognition and Support and the impact on Health and Safety

By Hero Wellbeing The past 18 months have been a testing time for everyone and with a significant reduction in social interaction, more employers are recognising their responsibility to protect the mental health of their employees and provide a positive work environment and much of the practical implication lie within our colleague in the health […]

Mental health support often not available to workers who need it most

There are a lot of support services that offer mental health support, however many do not cater for more complex and enduring mental health issues, such as severe depression, trauma and psychiatric disorders. That’s according to RedArc, which says many support services are only limited to mild to moderate mental health issues, such as low […]

HSE releases tools to help employers manage stress in the workplace

Stress management is a big factor in health and safety which has knock-on effects for psychological wellbeing and accident prevention – so the HSE has released a series of new tools and resources to help employers manage stress in the workplace.  The tools include online resources and new risk assessments that are intended to help […]