February 2026
Hilton London Canary Wharf
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What does Health and Safety look like in a digital world?

By Bcarm

“Tech is the new muscle” is a common turn of phrase often used to discuss what lessons we can take from covid and certainly digitisation is a way to upgrade your health and safety organisation.

As a Health and Safety professional, any risk management system, unless in the simplest, lowest risk organisation is complicated.

  • There are many activities
  • These may involve many people
  • It has to operate in a dynamic environment
  • There needs to be a robust audit trail
  • There may be conflicting pressures in the business.

Anything that creates difficulty in the process creates operational and engagement barriers that can undermine the management of risk in the business.

Anything that makes the process easier, more convenient, with less operational friction will see better levels of risk management and this is where a digital health and safety management system can deliver both cost benefits and improved engagement by the business.

Digitisation can make a difference as the “muscle” that enables people. In our recent webinar “Risk Assessment in a Digital World”, 70% of attendees said it would “significantly enhance” their process.

In helping clients make the necessary transitions to leverage the benefit of “digital”, we are helping them tackle a wide range of issues from document migration, training and also process evolution and we’re keen to learn more to help take the unknown out of the process.

Take part in our 4-question survey – and you could receive Health and Safety training for up to 250 employees*

We’re undertaking an industry-wide survey for Health and Safety professionals to help us better understand their concerns and priorities of managing H&S in a digital world.

All Health and Safety professionals taking part in the survey will be entered into a free prize draw to win a year’s licence to our E-Learning package for up to 250 employees!* 

For more info and to take part in the survey click here: https://survey.hsforms.com/1aDusl0ovS_euxzDSvzHK2w2u2zn

*See T&Cs in link


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