February 2026
Hilton London Canary Wharf
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Occupational Safety & Health Forum 2022: Registration now open!

Register for your complimentary guest pass to our hybrid Occupational Safety & Health Forum today! The Forum provides a platform for senior industry professionals and their suppliers – for one-to-one business meetings, learning and networking. Your place is entirely free and includes benefits such as; – An itinerary of one-to-one meetings with solution providers– A seat at […]

Do you specialise in Risk Management/Assessments? We want to hear from you!

Each month on Health & Safety Briefing we’re shining the spotlight on a different part of the security market – and in September we’ll be focussing on Risk Management/Assessments. It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help health & safety buyers find the best products and services available today. So, if you’re a […]

Calls to use ‘Industry 4.0’ to improve safety standards

Industry 4.0, and the growing digitalisation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices has the potential to have a significant impact on workplace safety. That’s the conclusion of research carried out by Dräger Safety UK, which points to recent advances including the use of wireless technology and wearable devices to protect those working in hazardous environments […]

Lack of psychological safety in work ‘could hinder inclusion initiatives’

New data reveals that over a tenth of the workforce do not want to be identified when discussing their feelings towards inclusion in the workplace, sparking concerns for the psychological safety of employees at work. The report from Inpulse also shows that groups that wish to remain anonymous are less likely to feel positive about being themselves […]

Occupational Safety & Health Forum 2022: Everything you need to know

The next Occupational Safety & Health Forum takes place on February 1st and delegate places are strictly limited, so make sure you secure yours today. This event can help you build business connections with the latest innovative and budget-saving suppliers within your industry. Date: 1st February 2022Location: Radisson Blu Stansted We will handle everything for you, saving you time […]

INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT: FPA – Competent Fire Risk Assessors

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) states that almost all types of premises – unless these are single domestic dwellings – must be subject to a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment. It is the duty of the responsible person to take general fire precautions, as far as reasonably practicable, under part two of the FSFSO to ensure that the premises are safe for all relevant persons, and to reduce the risk of harm and […]

Counselling needs spike 145% as lockdown eases

Employers may think that the easing of lockdown will result in an improvement in mental health, but figures released by Towergate Health & Protection suggest that employees may be in greater need of support than ever. Figures from one of firm’s leading employee assistance programme (EAP) providers show a pronounced increase in utilisation as lockdown […]

British Safety Council updates Five Star Audit spec for 2021

The British Safety Council’s Five Star Occupational Health and Safety Audit has been revised and updated to place a greater emphasis on assessing how effectively an organisation manages risks to workers’ health and wellbeing together as well as business resilience and recovery. The Five Star Occupational Health and Safety Audit provides a quantified outcome with […]

Health & safety solutions: 2021 buying trends revealed

Wellbeing Services, Compliance and Behavioural Safety top the list of services the UK’s leading health & safety professionals are sourcing in 2021. The findings have been revealed by the Occupational Safety & Health Forum and are based on delegate requirements at the event. Delegates registering to attend were asked which areas they needed to invest in during […]

HSE releases workplace deaths data

Provisional data released by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) shows that a total of 142 workers were killed at work in Great Britain in 2020/21, an increase of 29 from the previous year – though the number of deaths in 2019/20 (113) was low compared to other recent years.  In statistical terms the number […]