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INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT: FPA – Competent Fire Risk Assessors

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) states that almost all types of premises – unless these are single domestic dwellings – must be subject to a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment. It is the duty of the responsible person to take general fire precautions, as far as reasonably practicable, under part two of the FSFSO to ensure that the premises are safe for all relevant persons, and to reduce the risk of harm and prevent fire. 

The term competency can have a different meaning for different roles. Referring specifically to the role of the fire risk assessor, at the Fire Protection Association we believe competency is something that is constantly evolving. A fire risk assessor may be extremely competent to carry out work on one type of building, such as a care home, but may not be the right person for the job for another type of high-risk premises, such as a manufacturing building. Part of being a responsible, competent fire risk assessor means knowing where the limits are of your own competence.

The FPA has been providing fire risk assessment expertise for over 20 years. We can remove the stress of undertaking a fire risk assessment by providing an experienced consultant in your specific industry sector including retail, education, healthcare, hospitality food production, manufacturing, and many sleeping risk properties. Our experts can assist you with single or multi-site fire risk assessments including DSEAR risk assessments, fire compartmentation surveys, and fire strategies.

For further guidance on the six key pillars of a competent fire risk assessor visit: https://www.thefpa.co.uk/news/fire-safety-advice-and-guidance/what-does-a-competent-fire-risk-assessor-look-like-


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